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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회

3rd Asian Workshop on Advanced Supercapacitors
작성자 관리자 / 작성일 2017.06.16 / 조회수 1,466
   3rd Asian Workshop on Advanced
(10th Industrial Technology Workshop on Supercapacitors)

June 2, 2017 The-K Hotel Seoul, Geomungo A Hall (Hotel 3F)
 Due to faster power delivery and longer cycle life than batteries, supercapacitors are occupying new energy market in the world and being applied in newa pplications such as electric vehicles, portable devices and energy storage system. To expand its applications, there is still a large room for further improvement to complement or even replace batteries.
 Representative scientific and engineering leaders from Korea, China and Japanw ill gather this early summer in Seoul, the capaital of Korea, for the 3rdAsianW orkshop on Advanced Supercapacitors. The workshop is a forum for sharingt he latest scientific and technical developments in material, cells and applicationsf or supercapacitors.
 The 3rdAsian Workshop on Advanced Supercapcacitors will focus on the latestt echnological trends on electrode materials and cells consisting of 10 invitedt alks by dedicated specialists from each country in academia and industry. At echnical tour is planned to take a look at industrial fields. The workshop alsop rovides the platform to meet engineers, suppliers, users, and system integratorsf rom Korea, China and Japan.
  The 3rdAsian Workshop on Advanced Supercapacitors is a significant mile-s tone to promote mutual collaboration on the supercapacitor technology betweenK orea, China and Japan. We look forward to welcoming you in early Summero f 2017.
행사 팜플렛(신청 방법 및 일정포함)

1. Registration Fee :
KR ₩150,000(US $150) for attendee, KR ₩50,000(US $50) for student attendee
2. Pre-registration : 2017. 5. 1. (Mon) ~ 5. 31. (Wed)
•Fill in the registration form and submit it to the staff (OH, MI HYUN)
•Bank information
- Bank Name: SHINHAN Bank
- Account Number: 100-031-871247
- Account Holder Name:
The Korean Association of Industrial Technology for Advanced Capacitors
3. Registration Info :
OH, MI HYUN (, +82-43-220-1561)
4. Programs and Hotel Reservation Info :
Ph.D. LEE, SANG WON (, +82-63-214-8972)
5. Venue Info :
The K-Hotel Seoul (Address : 70, Baumoe-ro 12-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul)
Tel. +82-2-571-8100,
