Vol.14, No.1, February 2011
Phase-and Size-Controlled Synthesis of CdSe/ZnS Nanoparticles Using Ionic Liquid이온성 액체에 의한 CdSe/ZnS 나노입자의 상과 크기제어 합성
Yun-Mi Song, Dong-Myung Jang, Kee-Young Park, Jeung-Hee Park, Eun-Hee Cha
Effect of Annealing of Nafion Recast Membranes Containing Ionic Liquids
Jin-Soo Park, Mun-Sik Shin, S.S. Sekhon, Young-Woo Choi, Tae-Hyun Yang
Electrochemical Characteristics of Sn Added Li4Ti5O12 as an Anode MaterialSn이 첨가된 Li4Ti5O12 음극활물질의 전기화학적 특성
Choong-Hoon Jeong, Sun-Ah Kim, Byung-Won Cho, Byung-Ki Na
Electrodeposition of Polypyrrole Nanowires within Vertically Oriented Mesoporous Silica Template
Ho-Suk Kang, Ho-Chun Lee, Ju-Hyoun Kwak
Electrochemical Characteristics of Cr Added Li4Ti5O12 Prepared by Sol-gel Method졸-겔법으로 합성한 Cr 첨가 Li4Ti5O12의 전기화학적 특성
Sun-Ah Kim, Woo-Ram Cho, Koo-Hyun Jeong, Byung-Won Cho, Byung-Ki Na
Analyses on Fine Structure and Electronic Structure of Cr-doped Li4Ti5O12 by Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and First Principle CalculationX-선 흡수실험 및 제일원리계산을 통한 Cr-doped Li4Ti5O12의 미세구조 및 전자구조 해석
Han-Nah Song, Hyung-Sun Kim, Byung-Won Cho, Yong-Tae Kim
Study for Addition Effect of Propylene Carbonate to 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium in Electric Double Layer CapacitorsPropylene Carbonate 첨가된 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium의 전기이중층 커패시터에서의 효과
Hyun-Chul Kim, Jeong-Jin Yang, Han-Joo Kim, Dal-Woo Sin, Soo-Gil Park
Simple Electrochemical Immunosensor for the Detection of Hippuric Acid on the Screen-printed Carbon Electrode Modified Gold Nanoparticles
Young-Bong Choi, Gun-Sik Tae
Optimum Ratio between Nafion and 20, 40 wt% Pt/C Catalysts for MEAs20, 40 wt% Pt/C 촉매를 사용한 MEA제조에서 나피온의 최적비
Ju-Hae Jung, Dong-Won Jung, Jun-Bom Kim
Electrochemical Properties of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded Poly(o-toluidine) Composites
Shanmugasundaram Komathi, Pothum Selvi, Paramasivam Manisankar, Anantha Iyengar Gopalan, Kwang-Pill Lee