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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회

1st Korea-China Joint Workshop on Advanced Supercapacitors
작성자 관리자 / 작성일 2015.07.28 / 조회수 2,007




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1st Korea-China Joint Workshop on Advanced




(The 8th Industrial Technology Workshop on Supercapacitors)














You are cordially invited to participate in 1st Korea-China Workshop on Advanced Supercapacitors, to be held in Seoul, Korea from september 10, 2015. Spercapacitors are high power energy storage devices and employed as power sources for many current and future industry needs from mobile IT devices, instant acceleration power in an electric vehicles to EDLC buses.



1st Korea-China Workshop on Advanced Supercapacitors will focus and discuss on the future applications of supercapacitors, as well as the latest technology trends on electrode materials and supercapacitor cells, providing platform to meet engineers, suppliers, users, and system integrators from Korea and China. The workshop consists of 10 invited lectures from 5 Korean and 5 Chinese specialists from academia and industry, and a technical tour.



1st Korea-China Workshop on Advanced Supercapacitors is a significant milestone to promote mutual collaboration on the supercapacitor technology between Korea and China. We look forward to welcoming you in late June of 2015.



















Invitation 1st Korea-China Joint Workshop on Advanced Capacitors

