Vol.4, No.2, May 2001
Electrodeposition of Copper on Porous Reticular Cathode (II) - Effect of PEG and MPS on throwing Power-다공성 그물구조 음극을 이용한 구리 전착에 관한 연구 (II) -유기첨가제 PEG, MPS의 영향 -
Kwan Hyi Lee, Hwa Young Lee, Won Young Jeung
Anodizing of pure Al foil for AAO as a Nanowire TemplateAl 양극산화에 의한 나노선재용 AAO template제조
Kwan Hyi Lee, Hwa Young Lee, Won Young Jeung
The Use of Computer Simulation in the Selfdischarge Evaluation of Ni/MH Battery for Electric Vehicle전기자동차용 Ni/MH Battery의 자기방전율 평가를 위한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션의 활용
Do Yang Jung, Myung Gyu Kim, Seong Yong Park, Sun Wook Kim
Electrochemical Characteristics of Anode-supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells연료극 지지형 고체산화물 연료전지의 전기화학적 특성
[Sung Pil Yoon, Jonghee Han, Suk Woo Nam, Tae-Hoon Lim, Seong-Ahn Hong, Sang-Hoon Hyun, Young-Sung Yoo
A Study on Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells for Portable Powers휴대전원용 직접 알코올 연료전지의 특성에 관한 연구
S.R. Yoon, S.Y. Cha, I.W. Oh, S.A. Hong, H.Y. Ha
Application of Laser Beam Deflection Technique to Analysis of Stresses Generated during Hydrogen Diffusion through Pd Foil Electrode
Han Jeong-Nam, Pyun Su-Il
Recycling of Portable Secondary Batteries소형 2차전지의 재활용
[Hyun-Soo Kim, Seong-In Moon