Vol.10, No.2, May 2007
The Fundamentals of Reduction of UO22+ Ions on a Pt Electrode and Methods for Improving Reduction Current Efficiency
Jei-Won Yeon and Su-Il Pyun*
New Separators Based on Non-Polyolefin Polymers for Secondary Lithium Batteries
Wan-Ho Seol, Yong Min Lee, Jun Young Lee, Young Dal Han,
Myung Hyun Ryu, and Jung-Ki Park*
Ni-P Coated Sn Powders as Anode for Lithium Secondary Batteries
Yong Nam Jo†, Dongmin Im††, Jae Jung Kim, and Seung M. Oh*
Cu Metallization for Giga Level Devices Using Electrodeposition전해 도금을 이용한 기가급 소자용 구리배선 공정
Soo-Kil Kim, Min Cheol Kang†, Hyo-Chol Koo†, Sung Ki Cho†, Jae Jeong Kim*†, and Jong-Kee Yeo††
Humidification Optimization in Silicon-based Miniaturized Fuel Cell실리콘으로 제작된 소형 연료 전지에서 가습 조건의 최적화
Oh Joong Kwon, Ho Youn Won†, and Jae Jeong Kim*
Effect of the Molar H2O/ and the Molar O2/C Ratio on Long-Term Performance of Diesel Autothermal Reformer for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell고체산화물 연료전지용 디젤 자열개질기의 장기성능에 미치는 H2O/C와 O2/C 몰 비의 영향
Sangho Yoon*, Inyong Kang, Gyujong Bae, and Joongmyeon Bae
Synthesis and Characterisation of Mixed Conducting Perovskite Type Oxide and Its Electrochemical Application to Electrode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Yu-Mi Kim, Su-Il Pyun*, Gyoung-Ja Lee, and Ju-Sik Kim
Electrochromic Properties of Li+-Modified Prussian Blue리튬이온이 첨가된 프루시안 블루의 전기변색 특성 연구
Jeong-Gyun Shin and Soo-Gil Park†*
Determination of Adsorption Isotherms of Hydrogen at an Ir Electrode Interface Using the Phase-Shift Method and Correlation ConstantsIr 전극 계면에서 위상이동 방법 및 상관계수를 이용한 수소의 흡착동온식 결정
Sang K. Jeon*
Electrochemical Properties of PPy/CNT Electrodes Prepared by Chemical Process for Ultracapacitor
Jeong-Gyun Shin and Soo-Gil Park†*
Electrochemical Behavior of a Nickel Hydroxide Particle for Ni-MH Battery by Microelectrode마이크로전극에 의한 니켈수소전지용 수산화니켈 입자의 전기화학적 거동
Ho-Sung Kim*, Ik Hyun Oh, and Jong-Ho Lee
Synthesis of Osmium Redox Complex and Its Application for Biosensor Using an Electrochemical Method오스뮴 착물 합성과 전기화학적인 방법을 이용한 바이오센서에 관한 연구
Young-Bong Choi and Hyug-Han Kim*