Vol.12, No.3, August 2009
Design of Non-Flammable Electrolytes for Highly Safe Lithium-Ion Battery리튬 이온전지의 안전성을 구현하기 위한 난연성 전해액의 설계
Nam-Soon Choi, Sung-Soo Kim, Satoshi Narukawa, Soon-Cheol Shin, and Eun Hee Cha
Current Status and Roles of Proton Exchange Membrane in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Systems직접메탄올연료전지 시스템에서의 수소이온고분자전해질막의 역할 및 현황
Haekyoung Kim
Optical Excitation and Emission Spectra of YNbO4 : Eu3+
Eun Young Lee and Young Jin Kim
The Effect of Electrochemical Performance and Safety by Surface Modification of Anode Materials for Lithium Secondary Battery리튬 이차 전지를 위한 음극 활물질 표면의 코팅으로 인한 전기화학적 특성 및 안전성
Heo, Yoon-Jeong, Ko, Sung-Tae
Proton Conducting Membrane Based on Crosslinked Sulfonated Polyimide for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Sung, Kyung-A, Kim, Wan-Keun, Oh, Keun-Hwan, Choo, Min-Ju, Park, Jung-Ki
Fabrication of Nickel Oxide Thin Film for Lithium Based Electrolyte by Sol-Gel Method and Electrochromic Properties in Lithium Based ElectrolyteSol-Gel법을 통한 리튬 기반 전해질에 적합한 니켈 산화물 박막의 제조와 리튬 기반 전해질에서의 전기변색 특성
Park, Sun-Ha, Yoo, Sung-Jong, Lim, Ju-Wan, Yun, Sung-Uk, Cha, In-Young, Sung, Yung-Eun
Effects of Mo on the Passive Films Formed on Ni-(15, 30)Cr-5Mo Alloys in pH 8.5 Buffer Solution
Jang, Hee-Jin, Kwon, Hyuk-Sang
Effect of Carbon Felt Oxidation Methods on the Electrode Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery탄소펠트의 산화처리 방법이 바나듐 레독스 흐름 전지의 전극 성능에 미치는 영향
DalYong Ha, Sang-Kyung Kim, Doohwan Jung, Seongyop Lim, Dong-Hyun Peck, Byungrok Lee and Kwanyoung Lee
Electrochemical Characterization of Lithium Polyelectrolyte Based on Ionic Liquid
Cha, E.-H., Lim, S.-A.,Kim, D.-W., Choi, N.-S.
Electrochemical Behavior of UCl3 and GdCl3 in LiCl-KCl Molten SaltLiCl-KCl 고온 용융염 내 UCl3 및 GdCl3의 전기화학적 거동 연구
Seul Ki Min, Sang-Eun Bae, Yong Joon Park, and Kyuseok Song
Effect of Carbon Support (CNTs) on Pt/Au/TiO2 Catalyst Preparation and Characterization for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)탄소 담지체(CNTs)에 따른 직접메탄올연료전지용 Pt/Au/TiO2 촉매 제조와 평가
Sun-Kyung You, Han-Joo Kim, Tae-Il Kim, Kyung-Suk Kang, and Soo-Gil Park
Desalination Effects of Capacitive Deionization Process Using Activated Carbon Composite Electrodes활성 탄소 복합 전극을 이용한 Capacitive Deionization 공정의 제염 효과
Jeong-Won Lee, Hong-Il Kim, Han-Joo Kim, Hyun-Soo Shin, Jeong-Sik Kim,
Boong-Ik Jeong, and Soo-Gil Park