Vol.16, No.2, May 2013
Effects of Calcinations Temperature on the Electrochemical
Properties of Li[Ni0.6Co0.2Mn0.2]O2 Lithium-ion Cathode Materials리튬 이차전지용 양극활물질 Li[Ni0.6Co0.2Mn0.2]O2의
소성 온도가 전기화학적 특성에 미치는 영향
Gi-Won Yoo, Hyo-Jin Jeon, and Jong-Tae Son*
Electrochemical Characteristics of Reforming Activated Carbon with
Nitrogenous Functional Group for Electric Double Layer Capacitor전기이중층 커패시터용 질소성 작용기를 이용한
개질 활성탄의 전기화학적 특성
Jeong-Jin Yang1, Young-Joo Choi1, Han-Joo Kim2, Young-Jae Yuk2, Soo-Gil Park1,*
Study on Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation Reaction
by Iridium Oxide and Its Bubble Overpotential Effect산화 이리듐의 물의 산화반응에 대한 버블 과전압 현상과
촉매 특성 연구
Jeong Joong Kim, Yong Soo Choi, and Seong Jung Kwon*
Electrochemical Oxidation of Glucose at Nanoporous Gold Surfaces
Prepared by Anodization in Carboxylic Acid Solutions카복실산 용액에서 양극산화에 의해 형성된 나노다공성 금
표면상의 전기화학적 글루코오스 산화
Seongjin Roh, Hwakyeung Jeong, Geumseop Lee, Minju Kim, and Jongwon Kim*
TiO2 Branched Nanostructure Anode Material Prepared by Seeding
Method for High-performance Lithium Ion Batteries
Biao Han1, Si-Jin Kim1, Bo-Mi Hwang1, Eui-Tak Hwang1, Han Chul Park1,
Mun-Hyun Koh2, and Kyung-Won Park1,*
Zinc Based Anode Materials and Its Application to Lithium Ion
Rechargeable Batteries아연복합산화물 음극활물질과 리튬이차전지 특성
Min Ji Hwang1,2, Won Jae Lee1, Chil Hoon Doh1,*, and Yeong Guk Son2
Preparation of Solid Polymer Electrolytes by Ultraviolet Radiation
and the Electrochemical Properties of Activated Carbon
Supercapacitor Adopting Them자외선 조사에 의한 고체 고분자 전해질의 제조와
이를 채용한 활성탄 수퍼커패시터의 전기화학적 특성
Jung Ha Won1, Yong Joo Kim1, Young-Gi Lee2, Kwang Man Kim2,*, Jong Huy Kim3, and Jang Myoun Ko1,*