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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.7, No.4, November 2004

Electrochemical Characteristics of the Silicon Thin Films on Copper Foil Prepared by PECVD for the Negative Electrodes for Lithium ion Rechargeable BatterPECVD법으로 구리 막 위에 증착된 실리콘 박막의 이차전지 음전극으로서의 전기화학적 특성
JKES Vol.7, No.4, pp.173~178, November 2004
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2004.7.4.173
Heung-Taek Shim, Bup-Ju Jeon, Dongjin Byun, Joong Kee Lee심흥택, 전법주, 변동진, 이중기
Eco Nano Research center, Korea Institute of Science Technology, P.O. BOX 131, Cheongryang, Seoul, 130-650, Korea Dept. of Materials Science Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 136-701, Korea
Silicon thin film were synthesized from silane and argon gas mixture directly on copper foil by rf PECVD and then lithium ion batteries were prepared from them employed as the negative electrodes without any further treatment. In the present study, two di
Keyword : PECVD, Silicon thin film, Copper silicide, Anode, Li ion battery

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