Young-Jin Choi, Ho-Suk Ryu, Gyu-Bong Cho, Kwon-Koo Cho, Kwang-Sun Ryu, and Ki-Won Kim최영진·류호석·조규봉·조권구·류광선·김기원
School of Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Gyeongsang National Universtiy
Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan경상대학교 공과대학 나노ㆍ신소재 공학부
울산대학교 화학공학과
β-Ga2O3 nanorods were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition method using
nickel-oxide nanoparticle as a catalyst and gallium metal powder as a source material. The
average diameter of nanorods was around 160 nm and the average length was 4 μm. Also, we
Keyword : β-Ga2O3, Nanorods, Anode material, Lithium secondary battery