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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.19, No.1, February 2016

바나듐 레독스 흐름전지용 이온교환막의 수명 예측
JKES Vol.19, No.1, pp.14-20, February 2016
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2015.19.1.14
상명대학교 공과대학 환경공학과
Vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) is an energy conversion device in which charging and discharging are alternatively carried out by oxidation and reduction reactions of vanadium ions with different oxidation states. VRFB consists of electrolyte, electrode, ion-exchange membrane, etc. The role of ion-exchange membranes in VRFB separates anolyte and catholyte and provides a high conductivity to hydrogen ions. Recently much attention has been devoted to develop ideal ion-exchange membranes for VRFB. A number of developed ion-exchange membranes should be evaluated to find out ideal ion-exchange membranes for VRFB. Long-term durability test is a crucial characterization of ion-exchange membranes for commercialization, but is very time-consuming. In this study, the life time prediction protocol of ion-exchange membranes in VRFB cell tests was developed through short-term single cell performance evaluation (real total operation time, 87.5 hrs) at three different current densities. We confirmed a decrease in test time up to 96.2% of real durability tests (expected total operation time, 2,296 hrs) and 5~6% of relative error discrepancy between the predicted and the real life time in a unit cell.
Keyword : Redox flow batteries, Ion exchange membranes, Life time prediction

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  • 사업자명: (사)한국전기화학회
  • 대표자: 이재준
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