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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.19, No.2, May 2016

고분자 전해질 연료전지 촉매층 바인더를 위한 Sulfonated Fluorenyl Poly(ether sulfone)에 관한 연구
JKES Vol.19, No.2, pp.39-44, May 2016
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2016.19.2.39
1전북대학교 에너지저장변환공학과, 2전북대학교 화학공학부 3한국에너지기술연구원 수소연료전지산학연협력센터
Oxygen reduction reaction in the fuel cell (ORR) plays a dominant role in the overall reaction. In addition, the low compatibility between the membrane and the binder consisted of different materials, greatly reduces the efficiency of the fuel cell performance. In view of these two problems, geometrically modified copolymers with 9.9_Bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) were synthesized via condensation reaction instead of conventional biphenol and were adopted as hydrocarbon ionomer binders. By utilizing these binders, two kinds of MEAs using fluorinated Nafion membrane and hydrocarbon based membrane were manufactured in order to electrochemical performance evaluation. With current-voltage curves, there was no significant difference in the 0.6 V when two types of membrane were applied. Also, tafel slope became considerably lower as compared to the Nafion membrane. Thus, it is determined that the new hydrocarbon binder is expected to contribute the improvement in performance of fuel cells.
Keyword : Polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Hydrocarbon binder

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