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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.19, No.2, May 2016

분무건조법으로 제조한 구형 스피넬계 LiMn2O4 양극소재의 합성 조건에 따른 고출력 거동에 대한 연구
JKES Vol.19, No.2, pp.50-56, May 2016
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2016.19.2.50
1서울대학교 화학생물공학부 전기화학 에너지 변환공정 연구센터 2전자부품연구원 차세대전지연구센터
Spherical lithium manganese oxide spinel, Li1.10Mn1.86Al0.02Mg0.02O4 was prepared by wet-milling, spray-drying, and sintering process. In the spray-drying process, solid content in slurry was varied from 20 to 30 wt%. In the sintering process, the precursors have been sintered under air or O2 atmosphere. While the as-prepared samples exhibit excellent electrochemical properties at room temperature, the discharge voltage profiles at 5.0C are very different one from another. The origin for the difference especially at initial state of discharge is oxygen defect. The sample prepared in air has larger capacity related to the plateau at 3.3 V (vs. Li/ Li+) which is caused by the oxygen defects than the one prepared in O2. The difference of discharge voltage profiles especially at the final state of discharge comes from different diffusion rate of Li+ ions. The sample prepared from 30 wt% solid content of slurry shows twice higher diffusion rate than the samples prepared from 20 wt% solid content, which is attributed to better compactness between primary particles for the sample prepared from 30wt % solid content than the one prepared by 20 wt%.
Keyword : cathode material; lithium manganese oxide spinel; spray-drying; rate-capability; diffusion rate

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