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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.20, No.4, November 2017

Electrochemical Performance of Ti-Si Alloy Anode using Nodule Type Current Collector
JKES Vol.20, No.4, pp.61-66, November 2017
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2017.20.4.61
Min-Seon Shin, Jung-Bae Park, and Sung-Man Lee*
Department of Nano Applied Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon-Do, 200-701, South Korea
The cycle performance of Ti-Si alloy anode material for Li-ion batteries has been investigated as a function of loading level of electrode using a nodule type of substrate, in which the current collector of flat foil is also used for comparison. The Ti-Si alloy powders are prepared by mechanical alloying method. The electrodes with the nodule type of current collector exhibit enhanced cycling performance compared to those using the flat foil because the alloy particles are more strongly adhered to substrate and the stress caused by lithiation and delithiation reaction can be effectively relaxed by nodule-type morphology. It appears, however, that the cycle performance is critically dependent on the loading level of electrode, even when the nodule type of current collector is applied. With high loading level, cracks are initiated at surface of electrode due to a steep stress gradient through the electrode thickness during cycling, leading to capacity fading.
Keyword : Si based alloys, Mechanical alloying, Current collector, Anode materials, Li-ion batteries

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