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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.21, No.4, November 2018

Preparation and Electrochemical Performances Comparison of Carbon and Hydrogel Electrocatalysts for Seawater Battery해수 전지용 탄소계 촉매와 Hydrogel 촉매의 제조 및 이들의 전기화학적 특성 비교
JKES Vol.21, No.4, pp.61-67, November 2018
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2018.21.4.61
Kyoungho Kim*, Young Soo Na, and Man Sung Lee김경호*·나영수·이만성
Department of Chemical Industry, Dong-Eui Institute of Technology (DIT), Republic of Korea동의과학대학교 화학공업과
As emerging the new electric devices, the commercial lithium ion batteries have faced with various challenges. In this regard, many efforts to solve challenges have been tried. In order to solve the above problems in terms of development of a new secondary battery, we successfully demonstrated the two electrocatalysts, such as MCWB and PPY hydrogel, PPY hydrogel and MCWB showed typical H3-type BET isotherm, indicating that micro- and mesopores existed. Especially, in terms of voltage efficiency at the first cycle, PPY hydrogel was higher than that of MCWB, but lower than that of PtC. More interestingly, the PPY hygrogel based seawater battery exhibited charge-discharge reversibility during 20 cycles, and the voltage efficiencies ranged from 70.32 % to 77.35 % in cyclic performance test.
Keyword : Electrocatalyst, Next generation secondary batteries, Voltage efficiency, Activated carbon, Conducting Polymer

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