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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.22, No.3, August 2019

Electrochemical Performance of Micro Sized Silicon/CNT/Carbon Composite as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries리튬이차전지용 음극활물질로서 Micro sized Silicon/CNT/ Carbon 복합입자의 전기화학적 특성
JKES Vol.22, No.3, pp.112-121, August 2019
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2019.22.3.112
Min-Seon Shin, Tae-Min Lee, and Sung-Man Lee*신민선·이태민·이성만*
Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon-Do, 24341, Republic of Korea강원대학교 신소재공학과
In this study, silicon / carbon nanotube / carbon composite particles with high capacity were fabricated by using micro-sized silicon particles and carbon nanotubes as an anode material for lithium ion batteries. The silicon / carbon nanotube / carbon composite particles were prepared by spray drying method to prepare spherical composite particles. The composite particles have the network structure of the carbon nanotubes around the silicon particles, in which the silicon particles and the carbon nanotubes are bonded by amorphous carbon. It appears that the volume expansion of silicon is effectively buffered and the electrical contact is maintained in the network structure of the composite particles during charge?discharge cycles.
Keyword : Micro-Sized Si, Carbon Nanotube, High Capacity, Anode Materials, Li-Ion Batteries

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