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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.23, No.4, November 2020

Comparison of Arrhenius and VTF description of ion transport mechanism in the electrolytes전해질 이온이동 기작 기술을 위한 아레니우스 모델 및 VTF 모델 비교
JKES Vol.23, No.4, pp.81-89, November 2020
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2020.23.4.81
Hyoseop Kim1, Bonhyeop Koo2, Hochun Lee2김효섭1, 구본협2, 이호춘2*
1School of Undergraduate Studies, DGIST, Daegu 42988, South Korea 2Energy Science and Engineering, DGIST, Daegu 42988, South Korea 1DGIST 기초학부, 2DGIST 에너지공학전공
To understand the performance of the electrochemical device, the analysis of the mechanism of ionic conduction is important. However, due to the ionic interaction in the electrolyte and the complexity of the electrolyte structure, a clear analysis method of the ion conduction mechanism has not been proposed. Instead, a variety of mathematical models have been devised to explain the mechanism of ion conduction, and this review introduces the Arrhenius and Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF) model. In general, the above two mathematical models are used to describe the temperature dependence of the transport properties of electrolytes such as ionic conductivity, diffusion coefficient, and viscosity, and a suitable model can be determined through the linearity of the graph consisting of the logarithm of the moving property and the reciprocal of the temperature. Currently, many electrolyte studies are evaluating the suitability of the above two models for electrolytes by varying the composition and temperature range, and the ion conduction mechanism analysis and activation energy calculation are in progress. However, since there are no models that can accurately describe the transport properties of electrolytes, new models and improvement of existing models are needed.
Keyword : Electrolyte, Ion Conductivity, Arrhenius Model, VTF Model, Glass Transition Temperature

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