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한국전기화학회 한국전기화학회


Vol.5, No.1, February 2002

Electrochemical Properties of Pyrolytic Carbon and Boron-doped Carbon for Anode Materials In Li-ion Secondary Batteries리튬 이온 이차전지 부극용 열분해 탄소 및 붕소첨가 탄소의 전기화학적 특성
JKES Vol.5, No.1, pp.30~42, February 2002
DOI : 10.5229/JKES.2002.5.1.030
IkHyun Kwon, MyoungYoup Song, EuiYong Bang, Young-Soo Han, Ki-Tae Kim and Jai-Young Lee
Division of Advanced Materials Engineering, Automobile Hi-Technology Ressearch Institute, 664-14 1ga Deogjindong Deogjngu Chonju Chonbuk, 561-756 South Korea Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technolo
Disordered carbon and boron-substituted disordered carbons C1-xBx(x = 0.05, 0.10, 0.20) were synthesized by pyrolysis of LPG(liquid propane gas)and BCl3. Their electrochemical properties as anode materials for Li-ion secondary batteries were then investig
Keyword : pyrolytic carbon, boron-doped carbon, first discharge capacity, cyclability, Li-ion secondary batteries.

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