Vol.22, No.4, November 2019
A Review on 3D Structure Formation, Analysis and Performance
Prediction Technique for All-solid-state Electrode and Battery3차원 전고체 전극 구조체 형성, 분석 및
성능 예측 기술 동향
Joonam Park, Dahee Jin, Dohwan Kim, Kyung Taek Bae, Kang Taek Lee**, and Yong Min Lee*
Improvement of Electrochemical Performance of KVO3
as High Capacity Negative Electrode Material
for Lithium-ion Batteries리튬이온 이차전지용 고용량 KVO3 음극의
전기화학적 성능개선
Tae Hun Kim1, Gyeong Rae Gim1, Hwandong Park1, Haebeen Kim2, and Ji Heon Ryu2*
Improvement of Cycle Performance of Graphite-Silicon Monoxide
Mixture Negative Electrode in Lithium-ion Batteries흑연과 실리콘 일산화물의 혼합물로 구성된
리튬이온 이차전지용 음극의 사이클 성능개선 연구
Haebeen Kim, Tae Hun Kim, and Ji Heon Ryu*
The Electrochemical Properties of SnO2 as Cathodes
for Lithium Air Batteries
Yoon-Ho Lee and Heai-Ku Park
Designing of a Novel Core-Shell-Structured Co-free Cathode
Material with Enhanced Thermal and Structural Stability
for Lithium Ion Batteries
Ji-Woong Shin, Yun-Chae Nam, and Jong-Tae Son*